1.How to Become an Intelligent Person
Our world is full of challenges and obstacles to be overcome.
And to be successful, you need to be an intelligent person.
3.Definition Intelligent Person
It is a person that:
has a high degree of intelligence; mentally acute.
shows sound judgment and rationality: an intelligent decision; an intelligent solution to the problem.
4.Intelligency - Main Elements
The intelligence is compose of:
Data: symbols.
Information: data that are processed to be useful; provides answers to "who", "what", "where", and "when" questions.
Knowledge: application of data and information; answers "how" questions.
Understanding: appreciation of "why“.
Wisdom: evaluated understanding.
Cultivating your intelligence, not just faking it, is one of the most important things you can do to ensure your happiness and financial success in life.
6.Strategies to Become an Intelligent Person
Set goals once a week.
Work on your vocabulary.
Read good books.
Further your education.
Watch the news and talk about recent things that have happened around the world.
Cultivate an interest in subjects like current events and interesting facts.
Start each day by planning.
Learn to listen carefully to other people's opinions.
Be nice to people. Being nice to all people is also a sign of maturity, class and intelligence. Don't make offensive jokes.
Be friends with smart people.
Exercise your mind.

Visit new places as much as you can. If possible, try to visit other
Visualize and observe a lot.
Act smart. This will in turn make you believe that you really are smart.
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