Intro: Becoming healthy is easy if you add certain foods to your diet and exercise 20 minutes every other day. These techniques will help you become healthy while increasing you metabolism, causing rapid long term weight loss.
Step 1: Recently I set a goal to reduce my body fat percentage from 18 percent to 8 percent. It has been 4 months and I am at 10 percent body. My waist went from 37 inches to 31 1/2 and it is still shrinking. Losing weight is very simple and this article won't be very long due to the simplicity of losing weight. I will share my experiences of what worked for me. If you are ready to drop all the fad diets and change your life continue reading on.
Step 2: I am going to talk about exercise and food. I will start off with the most important aspect; food. Eating certain foods will help speed up metabolism. The ultimate way to lose weight is to increase your metabolism. So let's talk about how food can do that.
Eating 5-6 meals throughout the day instead of 2 or 3 will help speed up metabolism and lead to a healthier style of living. A fast metabolism will cause you to burn more calories than normal while just sitting around watching TV. You don't have to eat less overall, just space every meal out a little bit more. Eat a small meal every 3 hours. Each meal should contain protein from chicken, turkey, lean hamburger, any kind of fish, nuts, and/or fat free milk.
Step 3: Certain foods will speed up metabolism. Eating 1 ounce of almonds, a tablespoon of peanut butter, a tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil, 1 cup of spinach, and drinking green tea every single day will speed up your metabolism so much that it will be hard to keep weight on. Adding these foods to your everyday diet is the most important thing you can do.

8:00 a.m. One cup of high fiber cereal (Kashi-Go Lean). One cup of fat free milk. 2 egg whites.
11:00 a.m. Lean Hamburger on a whole wheat bun with tomato and onions. Glass of water and spinach salad with tablespoon of extra virgin olive oil.
2:00 p.m. 1 ounce almonds, 1 banana, green tea.
5:00 p.m. 4 ounces of either chicken, fish, or turkey. Steamed broccoli. Baked potato. Either 8 ounces of milk or orange juice.
8:oo p.m. Tablespoon of peanut butter. Whole wheat bagel with fat free cream cheese and either 12 ounces of water or glass of wine.
Sticking to this meal plan has caused me to drop body fat like crazy and have a ton of energy.
Step 5: Exercise: 3 days a week.
Interval training is the best way to speed up your metabolism. Interval training is basically warming up with a light jog for 5 minutes then medium pace jog for 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, medium pace for 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, medium pace of 2 minutes, sprint for 1 minute, and then 4-5 minute slow pace cool down. This process only takes 19-20 minutes and is way more effective than running at the same pace for an hour!
A study showed that flat out running 3 times a week for 30 minutes straight with no changes in speed caused no weight loss in the study's participants.
Optional: Weight lifting; 2 times a week.
For those who really want to be ripped and not just skinny, you can weight lift twice a week. Bench pressing, dumbell curls, push-ups, sit-ups, and pull-ups are my highly recommended exercises. Natural exercises against your own body weight are the best ways to get super toned up.
Step 6: The combination of eating healthy and interval training is the best way to get stronger and lose body fat while retaining all of the muscle you have.
Just eating like I described earlier is enough to make you lose weight. To really speed up the process incorporate 20 minutes of exercise into your routine only 3 days a week.
Step 7: I have tried a ton of different diets and this way of eating and exercising has proven first hand to be the most effective and lasting way to lose weight and keep it off. Good luck!
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